- Online visibility including basic information/service/event/featured products on the visitrovaniemi.fi website
- Brochure visibility in the Rovaniemi travel services brochure
- Map visibility on the Rovaniemi travel map
- Online service map visibility for shareholders on the service map of the visitrovaniemi.fi website
- Regional visibility on visitfinland.com, lapland.fi/visit, fcb.fi and other portals as well as social media
- Opportunities for participating in media and tour operator visits in the area
- Regional-level visibility for tour operators, media, collaborators, and regularly distributed bulletins concerning the representation of tourism industry interests
- The partner company’s own brochures available at Rovaniemi Tourist Information (receives approximately 40,000 visitors a year)
- Shareholder bulletins and shareholder information briefings about current and future issues concerning tourism and marketing
- Opportunities for influencing joint marketing plans within the timeframe provided for commenting
- Opportunities for being involved in the implementation of the Rovaniemi Christmas brand
- Media monitoring reports, including reports on international media hits and determination of media value
- The right to use the Rovaniemi – The Official Hometown of Santa Claus® logo and emblem in company marketing for a 100 euro annual charity fee. The charity fee is donated in full to UNICEF for an aid recipient that is defined annually. Please note: partner companies do not have the right to assign the logo to a third party.
Become a Visit Rovaniemi Shareholder?
Contact Visit Rovaniemi’s marketing coordinator Annukka Jarkko:
+358 40 702 9931
annukka.jarkko (at) visitrovaniemi.fi
Further information available from: visitrovaniemi.fi